project – to be continued mind
At the core of each project, whether private or public, is the search for a form and source of inspiration, which continues throughout the process of implementation.
In order for your home to be new and original for a long time to come, knowledge and analysis of the materials market and introduction of new technologies into production are important.
In the engineering design process, architects take into account your preferences in geometric shapes, analyze color susceptibility, take into account each family member, think through the concept for decades to come. As a result, we create an environment that fully meets your requirements.
All stages from the beginning of the project to the time the object is completed are accompanied by designer supervision. The interaction between the architect and the customer during the entire investment cycle is the basis of work quality. Thus, you save time on project organization and minimize the risk of errors and alterations.
You receive a managed project with a team of specialists is involved: design engineers, mechanical engineers, landscape architects and designers, technical writers, contractors and specialists from other fields. During the work you receive regular reports, the implementation of the schedule plan, estimates and track the entire process from design to implementation.
The architect is the key figure. He knows what the object should look like upon the completion of construction and finishing works. That is why he not only competently controls the construction process, but is also responsible for the end result. The creative process of interaction among the architect, specialists and the customer provides a result that all participants are satisfied with.

purely design
Arkhitektura – stil’ zhizni, eto ritm, privychnyy nam, kotoryy yavlyayetsya nashey sredoy obitaniya i poetomu kazhdyy proyekt yavlyayetsya prodolzheniyem lichnosti khotim my togo ili net. Mir, v kotorom my zhivem, kotoryy opredelyayetsya sobytiynost’yu nashego sushchestvovaniya. Ne pustota pomeshcheniya, a imenno dom, gde vse uzhe kem-to rasstavleno po mestam, osmyslenno, imeyet svoyu strukturu sootnesennost’ i naznacheniye. Eto podchinennoye cheloveku prostranstvo imeyet osobyye kul’turnyye predmety, vmeshchayet v sebya otnosheniya lyudey, ikh svyazi s veshchami i drug s drugom. Kak chelovek neposredstvenno voshel v predmety doma, tak i predmety vkhodyat v cheloveka. Prostranstvo doma mnogosloyno i po-raznomu vrastayet v cheloveka.
«Dom – eto mashina zhil’ya» (Le-Korbyuz’ye).
Ideal’nyy dlya sovremennogo mira dom dolzhen byt’ prezhde vsego funktsional’nym, pozvolyat’ lyudyam rabotat’ i otdykhat’ dlya posleduyushchey raboty. Osushchestvlyaya vybor takoy mashiny, kazhdyy beret na sebya «sozdaniye mira» dlya prozhivaniya. Zdes’ i voznikayet postavlennaya zadacha o nakhozhdenii konkretnogo, kharakternogo tol’ko dlya nas, individual’nogo oblika. Odnako, realizatsiyey zadachi stanet produmannaya posledovatel’nost’ deystviy, napravlennaya na zhelayemyy rezul’tat.
Dom – tsel’, i kakoy ona dolzhna byt’, znayete tol’ko Vy, kak rukovoditel’
Pri etom
Tsel’ – dom, i kakim yemu dolzhno byt’ znayem tol’ko my, kak professionaly
Architecture is a style of life, it is a rhythm that is familiar to us, which is our habitat and therefore every project is an extension of the personality whether we like it or not. The world in which we live, which is determined by the events of our existence. Not the emptiness of the room, namely the house, where everything is already arranged by someone, meaningfully, has its own structure of correlation and purpose. This subordinate space has special cultural objects, accommodates people’s relations, their connections with things and with each other. As a person has directly entered the objects of the house, so objects enter into a person. The space of the house is multilayered and grows differently in a different way.
«The house is a housing machine» (Le Corbusier).
The ideal house for the modern world should be primarily functional, i.e. allow people to work and rest for later work. Carrying out the choice of such a machine, each takes upon itself the «creation of the world» for living. Here the task arises of finding a specific, individual character, characteristic only for us. However, the implementation of the task will be a thought-out sequence of actions aimed at the desired result.
Home is the goal, and what it should be, you only know how to head
In this case
The goal is the house, and how it should be known only to us, as professionals
Wherever a person is, he is constantly surrounded by the environment. And the more harmonious and proportionate this environment is, the stronger the balance is felt, the interaction between the world of the person's inner perception and the world of influence on him from outside. Different feelings are experienced by people falling into different environments, but the constant desire of everyone is reduced to finding one - a state of balance. however, strangely enough, the balance is the property of the limit, which occurs at the junction of dynamics and statics, rest and motion.
"... Our movement in space affects architecture ... We look at the world simultaneously from a multitude of points - never with a single one ... Movement in space is a critical moment in all buildings, it affects our perception of time and the relationships that we establish with our architectural environment ... "(Zaha Hadid)
– style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting - but, again, search ... And if we assume
style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting - but, again, search ... And if we assume
style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting - but, again, search ... And if we assume
style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting — but, again, search … And if we assume
style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting - but, again, search ... And if we assume
style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting - but, again, search ... And if we assume
style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting - but, again, search ... And if we assume
– style of life, this is the rhythm that is familiar to us, which
Our habitat is why everyone
is a continuation of the person we want washed
Looking through the photos of different models of clothes,
first we pay attention to the general content,
Further details are attracted, and together we try
speculatively try on yourself. And if we assume
analytically, that a concrete thing suits us,
we recognize the victory as perfect. What will our
A disappointment when trying on a real
model, make sure it is foreign to our appearance.
after all, theoretically, everything developed, and it was clear
the belief that in a particular thing we will become more
more interesting - but, again, search ... And if we assume
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